The Big Bang is the origin of the universe, occurring approximately 13.7 billion years ago. It began as a point of nearly zero volume and tremendous density. Then this point started stretching outward in all directions, not expanding within space but causing the expansion of space itself.The first period of time immediately after the Big Bang is known as the epoch, which occurred during the first 10 -43 seconds after it.

The major transitions in biological evolution as Biological Big Bang events. I hypothesize that each major biological transition is, actually, a transition between two qualitatively different phases of evolution, an initial rapid phase and the subsequent, slower phase during which the tree pattern emerges (Fig.

Little is known about this period, because our current physical theories cannot probe smaller timescales than this. It is thought that all the four fundamental forces — strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetism, and — were unified at this point, serving as one superforce. Scientists are working on physical theories to help describe this epoch.

By the end of the Planck era, the force of gravity separated from the other three, creating gravity and the so-called electronuclear force.After the Planck epoch was the grand unification epoch, occurring 10 -43 to 10 -35 seconds after the Big Bang. The universe was smaller than a quark (a type of subatomic particle) with temperatures higher than 10 27 K. This is about 10 12 times more energetic than collision points inside the largest particle accelerators. As the universe expanded and cooled, and the electronuclear force broke apart into its constituents: the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and electromagnetism. By the end of the grand unification epoch, the universe was about the size of a. The grand unification epoch was followed by the inflationary epoch, during which the universe grew by a factor of at least 10 26, and possibly much larger. The inflationary epoch lasted only about 10 -32 seconds, but during this time, the universe grew from the size of a proton to the size of a grapefruit or larger.

Its volume increased by a factor of at least 10 78. The universe expanded many times faster than the speed of light, explained by noting that the space itself was expanding, even though nothing within space broke the universal speed limit.After the inflationary epoch, the universe continued to expand, until it became what it is today — a behemoth at least 92 billion light years in size, and maybe much more. I feel sorry for people who think evolution is stupid. Isn't it nice that one video can answer all your questions? Do you think you aren't evolved from your parents?

For the most part, that is natural selection in the human world.Let's look at the world of domestic animals, specifically, dogs. This is an example of evolution controlled by humans. Look at the great variety: from chihuahuas to great danes and so on.

These are all evolved from wolves and other wild dogs. Did the world see roving packs of chihuahuas or great danes before man got involved?

And yet you believe evolution doesn't exist.Man's effort removed natural selection from the equation. He controlled what could possibly (but not likely) happen in nature. Evolution is just as real as any religion, just as the nose on your face is an evolution of your mom and dad. You guys really need to go online and watch the Kent Hovind video '100 reasons why I think evolution is stupid'. Maybe, if you have a mind of your own, you will understand why evolution is always going to be just a 'theory' and can never have taken place that way.If you believe you came from primordial soup being struck by lightning, a monkey, or a rock I really feel sorry for you. And by the way, if you believe in 'ghosts', or 'spirits' that people see then you should believe that the spirit lives on after this life, just like the Bible says. Yes, I am a follower of the teachings of Jesus.

Big Bang Evolution Images

Criticize all you want and I will wear it as a badge of honor. So the big bang theory put everything in place. Earth is at a perfect, life-sustaining distance from the sun.

Fruits and vegetables containing vitamins and nutrients just started forming from scratch, the earth and moon over the course of time shaped into these spherical structures, and why has there only been a single big bang? F1 2013 player name fix cakes. I mean come on.

It has been over 13.7 billion years, Why hasn't there been another one? You don't throw a grenade in the forest, hoping when the trees blow up, they will form into furniture.

We tend to think in singular events and the Big Bang Theory is just one of them. I have often thought that this event is an ongoing phenom. Let's suppose that mass is energy in a form that has no mass – yet. Each atomic and subatomic particle is free from each other.Now enter what is presumed to be a super massive black hole. This could be the combination of all black holes into one in the universe attracting all of this energy to its center. When all of these particles are super compressed there is a change from energy to masses of different proportions and weights caused by the squeezing of like atomic particles. Thus the black hole becomes.

@anon94583, you asked what happens in 'after life'.My answer: In my opinion there is no such thing as an afterlife. I believe that you will not exist in any form after you die. It will be like sleeping, but with no breathing. You will not exist.

It will be exactly like the time that you did not exist (you were not born). You will not notice anything because there will be no 'you.' I believe that 'Big Bang' theory is the most rational theory about our existence.

But it is completely your choice to choose what you believe. I wish I helped. If you need more information; just read the things I wrote down in the comments section. What galaxy is earth in after the big crunch and started again the big bang?

What happens in afterlife? Is there another earth for us to live in? Will we be like prehistory people when the big crunch happens and started again a big bang and formed a new earth and life? Which is the true theory about the universe: pulsating theory, steady state theory, big bang theory or none of the above?What if the sun explodes? What will happen to the earth and other planets? How many square meters of the universe?hope you answer my question.I'm a grade 6 student from philippines and just curious about the universe.

Anon81824 said: 'I really need help with homework. How did the explosion make the universe?' The Big Bang was not an explosion in space - it was the expansion of the space itself.There was a single superforce at the very beginning and then the single superforce divided into four fundamental forces: strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetism and gravity. The mass was created by using energy and different types of atoms were formed and they formed other stuff in the space. This is the simplest explanation.Can Aviral from Turkey (16 years old).