(Above: Is there anyone who hates more than a Jew? The racist Jew, “professor” Noel Ignatiev, wanted to “abolish the White race.” Why? Because he secretly feared it. And that scared the crap out of Noel and his sneaky, rodent-like, “chosen” tribe.

Ignatiev was the key founder of the term “White skin privilege/White privilege” circa 1967. In that year, he co-authored a pamphlet with another Marxist (Ted Allen) about the horrors of Whiteness. But Ignatiev actually borrowed the “white skin” idea from Karl Marx himself: “In the United States of North America, every independent movement of the workers was paralysed so long as slavery disfigured a part of the Republic. Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded.” (from Das Kapital, by Marx, Vol. 1, Chapter 10, Section 7). Why was a Marxist Jew like Ignatiev allowed to teach at Harvard University, a school founded by White people?

Good question!).In a nutshell, here’s the history behind the bogus “White privilege” claim: circa 1967, Marxist radicals (most of them Jews) began using the term “White skin privilege” to suggest that Whites, as a race, are not naturally gifted but skate through life with ease merely because they have White skin 12. Yeah, suuuure. Ask my father about that, a White man who, despite being White, had to work his ass off to become successful, including going to night school and holding down a dozen crappy jobs, like working at a car wash. History clearly shows that Whites are naturally gifted, but the Marxists want to convince you that Whites have some “unfair” cronyist advantage over Blacks and Browns. Newbies, Whites have IQs that are, on average, 15 points (i.e., one standard deviation) higher than Black IQs. Furthermore, Ignatiev once complained about “the ruling class policy of favoritism for Whites.” Since Western culture is White culture, are we really supposed to be surprised that Whites in America would dominate their own culture?? That’s like being surprised that Mexicans dominate in Mexico and Asians dominate in China!

Don’t Jews dominate in Israel? I’ll bet they do!3.1 ”(the Jews) Robbins and Jacobs “would rant, “White people are pigs. This whole society has to be brought down.

We have got to defeat White-skin privilege.” — so, early on, Jewish radicals were talking about “White-skin privilege.” (Article titled “Ted Gold and the Jews of Weatherman, Part 2” by Karl Nemmersdorf, September 2017, “The “White Skin Privilege” idea was created in 1967 by Noel Ignatiev, an acolyte of Derrick Bell and professor at Harvard’s W.E.B. Du Bois Institute.”— (Article titled “Black Lives Matter: Racist Provocation with Radical Roots” by James Simpson, Sep. 21, 2016; Jews, despite having White-colored skin, are not genetically White. Ps1 syphon filter. They are half-Arab and have near-Eastern blood groups/DNA. Equinox (1970); Horror/Fantasy; starring Frank Bonner (later of the comedy series “WKRP In Cincinnati”).The plot: four young adults experience strange and scary things while out in the boondocks.Ever since I saw this low-budget movie (years ago), I’ve been afraid of forest rangers.It seems that there are several different versions of Equinox. Some versions run 1 hour, 11 minutes, and some run 1 hour, 22 minutes.

We aim to give all our crew members the opportunities and benefits they need to live their best lives. By offering them a comprehensive and generous benefits package that supports them at every stage of their life and career, we help our crew to balance the demands of work and home. The Context of a Vanguard Toward a Definition of Concrete Poetry JON M. TOLMAN Modern Languages, New Mexico This essay represents an attempt to define Brazilian concrete poetry (and the world-wide movement it headed) within the context of contemporary vanguard movements. It is my intention to demonstrate that concrete.

This version seems to be the original and best version, i.e., the one with the creepy forest ranger who wears a strange ring. If it doesn’t have the creepy forest ranger in it, then it isn’t the original version (at least I think). Luckily, all of the versions feature “girly-women” who scream at the slightest sign of danger — as women should! William Pierce.The Roots of Civilization(Attack!, Issue No.

59, 1979)Human intelligence has more than one facet. The relative degree of development of the different facets varies from person to person, and, much more markedly, from race to race. White Americans must learn to distinguish between these facets – which is equivalent to distinguishing between style and substance – and they must understand that it is the substantive facet only which nourishes the roots of their civilization.Turn on a local television news program in just about any large city in this country, and the chances are excellent that you’ll see and hear at least one Black announcer telling what’s happening. He’ll be dressed and groomed just like the White announcers, and, in most cases, his enunciation will be so similar that you can close your eyes for a moment and almost convince yourself that you are listening to a White person.In smoothly modulated tones the Black announcer will tell you about the intricacies of the latest financial scandal at city hall, give you a crisp rundown on coming cultural events, and perhaps even offer a sage comment or two on the state of public morality. Never once will he stumble over the polysyllabic words in his script or lapse into Kingfisher-style malapropisms. At the end of the program he will engage in the customary few seconds of light banter with the other news announcers, and you can hardly help being overwhelmed by the conviction that, really, the only difference between the Black and his White colleagues is a matter of pigmentation.That, of course, is exactly the conviction the producers and directors of the program intend for you to be overwhelmed. It is a conviction vastly different from that held by most White Americans only a generation ago.

Then the prevalent image was one of Blacks who could hardly be taught to tie their shoes or ride a bicycle, much less read a news script; of Blacks who, if hired as newscasters, would as likely as not come shuffling into the newsroom late and drunk, dressed in orange, pink, and chartreuse finery, and proudly announce to the world in slurred accents, “Ain’t I jes’ about de uppities’ nigger you is ever see’d?”That is a simplistic image – but so is the one created by today’s media managers. Blacks can be taught to read news scripts, to get to work on time (and sober), and to dress and talk like Whites. But the differences between Blacks and Whites remain far deeper than their skins, and those concerned with the survival of Western civilization need to understand the differences fully.The difference which has been most widely discussed is a quantitative difference in the average IQ’s of Blacks and Whites: the Black population of the United States consistently scores 15 per cent lower on standard IQ tests than does the White population. So, while Blacks can be taught to read, they cannot be taught to do so as easily as Whites.But there is also a qualitative difference in the intelligence of Blacks and Whites, and this difference is even more significant than the quantitative difference in IQ’s. Blacks, in other words, are not just slower to learn, on the average, than Whites, but Blacks – all Blacks – have mental processes which are qualitatively different from those of Whites.In this regard, it is interesting to note that liberal apologists for Blacks who have tried to explain away low Black IQ scores with the claim that the tests are biased against Blacks are partly correct. But they are mistaken in asserting that the bias is essentially cultural in nature; Blacks whose cultural environment is not significantly different from that of Whites still score lower than Whites.IQ tests are biased against Blacks to the extent that they require abstraction.

At learning tasks which require nothing more than memory – e.g., simple arithmetical operations and spelling – properly motivated Blacks can do nearly as well as Whites. But at tasks which require inference – and this includes virtually all problem-solving operations – Black performance falls so far below that of Whites that the two can hardly be compared on the same scale.Standard IQ tests mask rather than reveal the true mental gulf which exists between Blacks and Whites, in that they do not measure solely the ability to reason abstractly. Reading comprehension tests, for example, which make up a large part of most IQ tests, measure both memory and inferential ability. If they measured inferential ability only, the difference between the average scores for Blacks and Whites would be far greater than 15 per cent.This Black inability to reason inferentially and to deal with abstract concepts is reflected in the almost total absence of Blacks in those professions requiring abstract reasoning ability of a high order: physics and mathematics, for example. Government quotas have brought a sharp increase in the number of Blacks in American colleges and universities in the last two decades, and Black college graduates have flooded into the non-scientific professions, but the sciences have remained virtually all White. You may see Black nuclear physicists in TV movies, but in real life the only Blacks one finds in physics laboratories are janitors and technicians – and not many have qualified as technicians.It is unfortunate that this Black shortcoming is overlooked by many people, but it is easy to see why this is so: most of us have a simplistic notion of human intelligence. We think of some people as being “dull” or “slow” and others as being “bright.” If a person is “dull,” he is slack jawed and unkempt, his speech is slow, and his vocabulary is limited; our vision of him is modeled on that of the classic village idiot.

And we think of a “bright” person as one with a quick tongue and a neat appearance.We have been taught by TV that our former classification of Blacks as a race of village idiots was in error. So now we make the opposite error of assuming that, since many of them have a quick tongue and a neat appearance, they are approximately as “bright” as White people.((“The essential quality, or value, of civilization is its utility in advancing the biological level of the race which has created it.”))Human intelligence is many-faceted. It cannot be adequately characterized by such terms as “dullness” or “brightness.” A good memory and a facile tongue – i.e., what modern educators loosely refer to as “verbal skills” – do not imply an ability to deal with abstract concepts and solve problems.The former and the latter are separate – and independent – facets of intelligence. The former is what we more easily notice, but it is the latter on which our civilization is based.

And the latter is sharply race-dependent.The racial dependence of abstract reasoning ability is no secret. Anatomists have been aware for many years of the morphological differences between the brains of Blacks and Whites, and neurologists and psychologists today understand that it is in precisely those portions of the brain which in Blacks are less developed than in Whites that abstract reasoning takes place. But because Blacks do not suffer a corresponding deficiency in their ability to develop verbal skills, we allow ourselves to assume equality where there is none, and we try to explain away troublesome facts such as low IQ scores with nonsense about “cultural bias.”This error in assuming Black intellectual equality on the basis of the skills displayed by Black news announcers is just one aspect of a general tendency today to confuse style for substance, and the confusion is not limited to our estimate of Black intellect but also warps our understanding of ourselves and our concept of progress.

A large degree of responsibility for the problem lies with our system of higher education.We live in an era of mass education, in which the prevailing opinion seems to be that everyone, including the village idiot, is entitled to and should have four years of university training. That opinion is born of the same lunatic mania for equality which has fathered some of the peculiar racial policies of the day.The proper function of a university is the training of scholars, and no society needs or can tolerate more than a small percentage of them – not to mention the fact that the natural abundance of satisfactory raw material for the production of scholars is rather low in any normal society. In addition to this function, there is also a need for advanced training in a number of professions: engineering and medicine, for example.Every citizen, of course, should have a working knowledge of the basic skills of civilized life: of reading, grammar, composition, arithmetic, and elementary science. Beyond this, he should have a sufficient familiarity with the history, the culture, and the social and political institutions of his people that he feels a strong sense of identity. This necessarily means a study of history, literature, and that subject matter generally designated “civics.”But it is neither necessary nor healthy to send the bulk of a nation’s young people to a university for four years, simply postponing for that length of time their coming to grips with their lives and beginning useful activity of one sort or another.

And it is extraordinarily mischievous to take millions of young men and women whose natural endowments suit them best for lives of simple, manual activity; to make them sit in university lecture rooms for four years engaging in meaningless work culminating in meaningless diplomas; and to convince them thereby that manual work is “beneath” them.Twelve years of elementary and secondary schooling, properly organized, is sufficient for all but a small percentage of a nation’s youth. The fact that our high schools do not now produce with satisfactory efficiency graduates with either the requisite grounding in the basic skills of civilized life or a strong sense of national and racial identity is not a good reason for compounding the inefficiency for another four years.

Instead, it is a reason for reorganizing our whole system of elementary and secondary education.A great deal more could be said on this extraordinary important topic, but the one essential point we want to bring out here is that the unnatural and unrealistic development which has taken place in our educational system in recent years gives us an unrealistic view of the world. In order to make universal higher education possible – in order to make it possible for virtually anyone, Black or White, to have a university degree – we have had to change, subtly but drastically, the whole meaning of higher education.

We have had to accept style in the place of substance. Worse, we have come to prefer style over substance.Nowadays there is a prejudice against cluttering up one’s mind with all the pesky, troublesome details of a subject, whether history or mathematics.

That is too much like manual labor. Shout the Jews and the liberals.

How dare Trump ban sweet, kind, innocent, wonderful immigrants from Pakistan, Honduras and Somalia?? Ooh, the humanity!Quote: “President Donald Trump announced late Monday night that he would temporarily halt all immigration due to the Chinese coronavirus.”This is an important step for America First. Now, let’s make the immigration ban permanent!

America has 327 million people in it already. That’s more than enough.The liberals are going nuts about the ban, calling Trump a “He’s phobic! He’s afraid of immigrants!” No, he’s not. The liberals will tell you that America was “created by immigrants.” No, it wasn’t.

America was created by, and only 8 of those were foreign-born (i.e., born in England, Ireland or Scotland).Normal people are tired of foreigners flooding into America like water through a broken levee. Foreigners don’t “improve” America. They divide America into 30 different tribes. How does dividing America make it “better”?

It makes it much worse!Amazingly, immigration was not suspended after 9/11/2001. In fact, I cannot recall the last time it was suspended, if it ever has been. I’m already a proud misanthrope (i.e., I hate humanity; most people are assholes). Alex is also a misanthrope, I think. If I saw a human and a dog drowning, I’d save the dog. Only if I had enough extra energy would I go back and save the human — but only if he was a straight White male (I’d ask him first, heh, heh).Anyway: you gotta be shitting me!


(pun intended). I was taught all my life to wash up, with soap, after using the can and before every meal! Who are these retards?“For one French study, 64,002 people across 63 countries were asked if they agreed with the statement “washing your hands with soap after using a toilet is something you do automatically”. Less than half the respondents from China, Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands agreed.” The Netherlands?? (This post was inspired by a post I saw at SF Forum about James Burnham, who is sometimes called “the first neocon” and who had interesting ideas about capitalism: ).Let’s briefly talk about both capitalism and neoconservatism 1.First of all, when you talk about capitalism, what exactly are you talking about? There’s nothing at all wrong with small, mom-and-pop capitalism (aka, free enterprise, the corner store).

Mom-and-pop capitalism has been around forever and it will still be around when the world ends.International finance capitalism (aka supercapitalism), on the other hand, isn’t real capitalism 2. It’s unnatural and more-or-less “Rosemary’s Baby-like satanic” and it should be banned by every country on earth, by law. It kills mom-and-pop capitalism. It’s a global wolf, eating everything in sight.

It’s predatory.As for neoconservatism (as we know it today), it exists to further this idea: “use American military and political power to further Zionism in every way possible.” Neocons often use wars, such as the 2003 Iraq War, to further Zionism, and to further the unique relationship between America and Israel. Neoconservatism as we know it now is a Jewish ideology: it was first invented by New York, Jewish “ex-leftists,” but it went nowhere. Then, gentile Sen.

Henry “Scoop” Jackson re-started it in the mid-1970s, and then more Jews piled onboard it, and it took off: slowly at first, then faster and faster until it went airborne beginning in the Reagan era.1 “Burnham’s seminal work, The Managerial Revolution, attempted to theorize about the future of world capitalism based upon observations of its development in the interwar period. Burnham argued three possible futures for capitalism: (1) that capitalism was a permanent form of social and economic organization and that it would be continued for a protracted period of time; (2) that capitalism was a temporary form of organization destined by its nature to collapse and be replaced by socialism; (3) that capitalism was a temporary form of organization currently being transformed into some non-socialist future form of society. (Above: ugly wind turbines killing the natural beauty of Canada. Why would anyone want to destroy natural scenery with those icky things?).Take a scenic drive through California, Oregon or Canada and see all the ugly, 100-foot-tall “wind farm” fans (turbines) on the once-beautiful hillsides. The liberals believe that the wind fans are creating tons of “green electricity” at no cost. “The wind is creating free electric power for everybody! That’s total bullshit.

Those fans produce very little electric power. That’s right. It’s all a scam.

Not only did the state governments ruin the earth’s natural beauty with those fans but they spent way more money erecting (and then servicing/repairing) the fans than they will ever get from the tiny amount of electricity that the fans create.and. Early March 2020: “Oh, no, we’re gonna die!”Now: “Oh, no, we’re gonna be sued!”Seen on VDARE.com:Quote: “A different acquaintance familiar with admissions to a nearby hospital emergency room tells me they are turning away cases they would not have turned away before to free up space for virus patients.” Turning away injured people?? Just where are the emergency-room visitors going to go, then? To a pet clinic? Multiply that “turn-them-away” attitude x 5,000,000 and then take the answer to its logical conclusion in our sue-happy society: What happens next?

Lots ofHospitals. Ambulance crews. Police and fire departments.

Taxi companies. Contractors and workmen of all types. They, and many others, will be sued for various reasons due to the Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020. What a great time to be a Jewish “injury lawyer”! People will be lining up around the block to hire you, especially in New York City. (I shoulda went to law school.

I coulda been rich off of this). (c) 2014Send letters, packages, review copies and donations to:A.

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