Piratebay SWAT 4 – PC. By ThePiratebayTorrent. Posted on October 20, 2017. The original SWAT game, released in 1995, was Daryl F. Gates’ Police Quest: SWAT. Named after the former Los Angeles Police Chief who formed the world’s first SWAT team, the original SWAT and its sequel were.

Within the city, crisis and turmoil are an everyday, every second occurrence. When ordinary means of law enforcement are not an option, there is a group that is called upon to dole out justice to those that believe they are above the law. This highly-regarded and specially trained unit is SWAT. In SWAT 4, you are the element leader of an authentic Special Weapons and Tactics team within the big city where danger looms large.From intense hostage situations to Homeland Security threats, your SWAT team will tactically command each and every situation differently where a split second mistake could lead to failure.Deliver justice with a full arsenal of official SWAT tactics and weaponryExtended SWAT replayability with deep Multi-Player and Co-op ModesCreate detailed custom missions for yourself and your friendsNext-gen graphics for 'you are there' intensity.

Rainbow Six series pwnz S.W.A.T cos it allows for thorough planning and the ability to effectively split your team. S.W.A.T is kinda limmited in that, but then again. But if your not a tactics purist, like me, then S.W.A.T is really nice and it looks nicer than the latest rainbow (but then again it is newer). What we need is better teammate AI cos it sucks in all spec ops/highly trained unit games. I remember the team AI in Ghost Recon v1.0 (dont know about later versions), u would position ur dudes to cover an entrance, and they would shoot the first and second dude that came through, but then they would stop and die, it was frustratingly funny.

I hope this makes sense cos i cant be stuffed reading it thru again cos its 0148 and im very tired. Youwannawrassle: youwannawrassle: hey there man. Stalker call of pripyat cheats. Would you like to wrassle?imanphyco220: iam m i want a hot womanyouwannawrassle: you can wrassle me bigyouwannawrassle: boyimanphyco220: m/f?youwannawrassle: thanx for askingyouwannawrassle: what u wanna do to me?youwannawrassle: wrassle?imanphyco220: what means wrasel?youwannawrassle: wrassle on the ground.

Swat 4 Demo

Not worth the download if your on 56k. Only one mission and it gets boring quick. As far as the graphics go, I've seen better but these aren't bad. It has nice shadows and shading effect though, and the models are very detailed. Project eden longplay. AI is kind've on the dumb side.

Has a mission making mode where you can use existing levels (or level in this case) to make new missions. My final thought. Those who have played Swat 3 and are looking for quite an advancement aren't gonna get it in this demo.

The only thing that stands out here from Swat 3 is the obvious that you see from screenshots.